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"Your son has cancer."
Something I never thought in a million years a doctor would tell me... but he did.
After a lump was discovered on the lower right side of Tanner's back, we realized that this lump was, in fact, cancerous. From that moment on, our lives were turned upside down. We didn't know what to think. Is my baby going to die? Will he be ok? How do I know that these doctors will take the best care of him? The "cancer world" is one you never imagined you would be part of.
On April 9th, the tumor was removed. The scans showed a few microscopic cancer cells remained, but the good news was-the cancer did not spread. Thank God. Two weeks later, Tanner started his first week of his 42 weeks of chemotherapy treatments. Four weeks after the chemotherapy started, Tanner received radiation everyday for 5 weeks, where he would be put to sleep for every session. For the chemotherapy drugs, Tanner would be getting Vincristine, Dactinomycin and Cyclophosphamide-along with many other medicines that go along with the chemotherapy medicines.
From the time Tanner was diagnosed, we were amazed by the amount of love and support from our friends, family and community. Because of the support, we decided that we had to give back.

"being sick just sucks"
benjamin, age 10